I’m feeling really lost what can I do?

Hey beautiful soul…blessings to you. The number one thing to remember…is this is just a short term phase you are in. It won’t last. All you need to do is direct your thoughts into a more positive direction. My first recommendation is to grab a pen and paper….find a quiet place…breathe deeply…and then begin to write down exactly what you want in your life.

Direct your thoughts to how you want to feel, how you want your life to look, what you want your health to be like! If nothing positive comes to mind…write down all the things you don’t want  in your life at this moment…and then write the exact opposite of this. You now have ‘Positivity List’!!!

How can you help me?

I can be the positive support and guide that you need. I’m here to guide you and share with you what I found worked in my journey of self-healing. That’s why I’ve created this site…to give women a place to visit and feel their spirit is being fed. That someone cares. And that help is on its way. I’m living proof that you can change your circumstances…and my students are proof also. You’re never locked into anything…with encouragement, support and loving guidance, any circumstances can be changed!

Will you methods or advice work in any area and for anyone?

Absolutely!!! Everything starts with what you believe. Whether you want to make changes in your life…your health…your wealth…your family…your beliefs or your attitude…these methods work. None of it is rocket science…it’s just understanding universal principles that are at play every second of your life.

If you had one secret to give what would it be?

Learn to love yourself. It’s as simple…and as hard as that. When you are in a place of really loving yourself…everything works out for you. And that is what I want to teach people. While on my own healing journey…I would have healers that I was seeking guidance from say to me, “Helen, you just need to love yourself.” And I would think to myself, “Well if I knew how…I would!” But I didn’t know how. Hence…this is now what I teach!

Loving yourself is just being kind to yourself…treating yourself just like you would treat your best friend.

How did you get to where you are?

First I made a conscious decision that I wanted my life to change! And OMG!…as soon as you make that decision…things just start showing up for you. The exact book you need to read…the right people you need…the right course at the local community centre shows up…the right mentors appear…the friend who understands you and you can share things with  appears or you reconnect with a loving friend you may not have seen for ages. The right movie…the exact conversation you just over heard in the supermarket. There all signs the universe is giving to you…to set you on your right path. I took note of all these things that were happening around me…and I took action! It’s weird and wonderful and you will be in absolute awe.    



What is good about ‘Be Magnificently Inspired’? 

My soul mission for this site is for it to be a place for any women, who need a little inspiration in their life, to be able to come and feel connected and uplifted. To create an awesome community of beautifully spirited beings…who are all feeling the same way…and together we help, inspire and share with each other. I don’t want anyone out there to feel they have to take this journey alone!!! We’ve all endured hard times, self-loathing, jealousy, and stupid belief systems like, ‘I’m not good enough’. Time to change girls. And I will be putting my heart and soul into this website…to do just that!!!

What led you to be an expert?

My life experience has led me to be an expert. You can’t help people unless you have been in there shoes. I’ve felt pain, I’ve suffered from low self-esteem, I’ve lacked confidence, I’ve hated my life at times and I’ve had thoughts of nothing will ever work for me. I’ve felt sadness and I’ve felt like I wanted to crawl under the covers and stay there for days.

It’s funny…I enrolled in a Spiritual and Wholistic course…with the intention of becoming some awesome healer. But no…the universe totally knew what it was doing…this course was all about healing my own stuff. Letting go of my outdated, limiting beliefs, learning to love myself, facing all my fears!!! And now…it’s like, “Thankyou Universe…your awesome, always knowing what’s best for me.” That’s what’s brought me here now…to be able to help you. Yay!!!

What are the top three things that someone should know in order to be successful?  

1. Make the decision that you want to change. This universe is run by a divine order…and it loves nothing more than to give you what you want. But you have to put in your order. I cannot stress this enough. Get that paper and pen out and start writing down exactly how you want your life to look.

2. Find an awesome mentor. Someone that when you look at their life…you think to yourself, “I want my life to look like that.” And follow what they do. It could be a friend, a neighbour, someone on TV, your local yoga teacher or some big star, in the personal development industry. Read biographies, study their lives…find out there secrets. I’ve always found inspiring mentors to follow, some local some international.  One of my mentors has been Oprah…but have I ever met her ‘No’! But I love her ethics, her integrity and her generosity. And I model that!

3. Have fun. Life is meant to be fun. Life is meant to be a joy. So start enjoying yourself. We’re all on a journey. Yea…we’re going to feel hard times occasionally…we’re going to feel like crap at times…we’re going to feel scared stepping out of our comfort zones. But we’re also able to feel so much joy in our lives. It doesn’t have to be something massive either. It can be as simple as enjoying sitting in the sun reading a good book. Cooking a beautiful meal for friends. Buying yourself a beautiful journal to record your amazing journey. Or… it could be a gorgeous weekend away staying in 5 Star Luxury…with an awesome view, sipping expensive champagne and eating fresh strawberries. Make your life fun!


                                        What are some of the common problems that people experience? 

Some people are really stuck in the thought that things can’t change for them. But it’s just an old belief they have, that they still keep operating from. They don’t plan for what they want. They don’t write it down and they don’t take any action towards it. They think everyone else is making their lives miserable…but we are powerful beyond measure…and sometimes we just need a little guidance to understand how it all works. It can be changed.

What sorts of things can someone do to stay on top? 

Relax, breathe and start looking after yourself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed…it’s a sign you need to slow down…take some time out and get focused on what your next step is. And your next step only. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel good. An afternoon nap…a relaxing bath…reading in an inspiring corner somewhere…listening to music…feed the body some good nutrition…meditate. Life is about finding a nice balance…work, play, fun, family. As soon as you slow down…you become so much clearer. It helps get the anxiety levels down. Then you have the energy and focus to carry on.